
Renew seeks to survey a woman’s horizons, to extend her sense of her own sensitivities, to explore ways and combinations of feeling that illuminate the incredible complexity and radiance of that miracle of creation that is our bodies and their interactions.

The Client sets the limits. Each session is about what she wants, nothing more, nothing less. It is a safe space where she has the security to have the freedom to be exactly herself, without masks or subterfuge, where her preferences are the only ones which matter, where there will be no judgment, nor reproval, nor guilt. Wrong depends only on her own valuation, and her values.


No real relaxation is possible without a sense of security. 

Women with safety concerns are encouraged to bring a chaperone or come in pairs; the chaperone may receive a session for 25% off, or the discount can be split between the two. 

Certain services require a chaperone the first time they are included.***

The goal of the massage therapist is to be completely trustworthy, completely dependable, so that the Client’s boundaries are secure and her relaxation can be complete.  Communication is essential to any relationship, but so much more so in massage.  Every person is different, with different feelings, preferences, pains, styles, and idiosyncrasies. No massage plan will be therapeutic for all people.  The masseur must listen, watch, and interpret the Client’s breathing, muscle tension, facial expressions, and so much more.  But even more important is the Client’s willingness to communicate, both positive feelings and negative.  No one knows you better than you (at first, anyway).   The better the directions, the better the direction.  Communication begets communion.  The Client is assured that any statement, any preference , any request will be treated with the utmost deference and priority. Communication is always encouraged, and is the most important component of the massage relationship (just as it is with our most important relationships).  

Say anything you want.

Do anything you want.

Enforce any boundary you want.

One seemingly paradoxic revelation learned from BDSM is that when done correctly and safely, it is not the Dominant who has the ultimate control.  The Submissive is at the mercy of the Dom, is subject and possibly even physically dependent, on the Dom’s actions and ministrations.  But it is the Sub who has the ultimate authority, the paramount priority to stop, to reject, to decide.  It is only in knowing that No means No, No Matter What, can the Sub abandon the need to know, to protect, to defend. In this release she finds relief from the stresses and strains of quotidian subjugation.  But these revelations are not limited to sex play; they inform and permeate all of our human interactions.  Trust and safety allow for exploration and expansion of limits.  The same is true of Renew.